========================29.01.96 ========================== 1. I can not supply the compiled Vax VMS version any more since I have no access to old VAXes. OPENVMS version is still available. 2. Bug fixed: if a PDB file has no HEADER record, or if this record does not contain the 4-letter structure code, STRIDE produces output with no line breaks. This has now been fixed. I thank STRIDE users for reporting this bug 3. Please note that the maximal number of atoms in one residue is set to 50. This is in principle more than enough. However, if your coordinate set contains large things (like FAD) which are erraneously in the ATOM records, STRIDE will not work. Such groups should be put in HETATM records, where the current limit is 200 atoms. You can always change these limits by modifying the following two lines in the file stride.h: #define MAX_AT_IN_RES 50 #define MAX_AT_IN_HETERORES 200 =========================================================== Dmitrij Frishman European Molecular Biology Laboratory Meyerhofstr. 1, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany tel. +49 -6221 - 387231 fax. +49 -6221 - 387517 frishman@mailserver.embl-heidelberg.de